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"3 Habits You Might Be Doing That Make Hip Pain Worse"

Some people think hip pain is just a part of ‘getting old’ because a friend or close family member told them it happens to everyone when they 'get old.'

Have you ever experienced hip pain?

The kind of issues that slow you down in life when you walk up and down the stairs, hurts when you sit or leaves you feeling frustrated wondering when the pain will finally wear off?

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.

Painful hips are one of the most common things we see people living with at Prestige Therapy and Wellness. And a lot of people wondering WHY it’s happening to them.

Some people think hip pain is just a part of ‘getting old’ because a friend or close family member told them it happens to everyone when they 'get old.'

Some people think hip pain is one of those things that one day will disappear when they wake up, but it ends up staying longer, and sometimes gets worse.

The sudden onset of hip pain can be confusing. Sometimes it happens because of a bad fall or a movement you did that set it off.

Commonly, we see people suffering from hip pain because of everyday habits we do without even realizing.

Maybe these habits are making your hip pain worse?

Here are 3 of the most common bad habits we see people doing…

1) Wearing The Wrong Shoes:

It’s sad but true, your favorite pair of high heels, or suit shoes, or even the comfortable (worn down) shoes that could be causing your hip pain (and making it worse).

High heels change the way you walk, as do suit shoes that are too tight, placing additional stress on your hips.

Wearing shoes with cushioning could be a quick fix. Shoes with good cushioning can absorb the impact of your foot hitting the ground, preventing the shock from getting to your hips. Specialized inserts (like orthotics) are perfect for offering more comfort and protecting your hips.

2) Sitting With Your Legs Bent:

There’s so much ‘gossip’ that surrounds hip pain, but this is a fact… you and I were not designed to sit. It goes against every basic, fundamental rule of the way we originally evolved as humans.

When you sit in a chair, you’re stretching ligaments and muscles and placing your hips in an unnatural position – and position hips aren’t built to be in for too long.

Limit the amount of time you sit, and get up frequently or readjust yourself to decrease the stress to your hips. Also, to minimize stress to your hips remember the surface you are sitting on we want to make sure we are not sitting on a hard, uncomfortable surface for long periods.

3) Taking It Easy (A Little Too Easy):

A lot of people we treat at Prestige Therapy and Wellness think ‘rest’ is the solution to getting rid of hip pain. But, 'rest' doesn’t mean lying on the sofa watching your favorite TV series back to back all day long. It means not doing ‘too much.’

However, 'rest' is essential! The problem with too much 'rest' is that it makes your joints tight and stiff. Try to do low-impact exercises that don’t put too much strain on your hips.

What type of low-impact exercises? Maybe you could try swimming, enjoy a light walk, bike riding, yoga – all of these exercises are great for fitness and your hips.

Are you doing any of these three things?

If your answer is ‘yes,’ putting an end to these three habits today will help ease your hip pain, and stop it from getting any worse than it needs to be.

There’s so much more you can do – like exercises tailored for you, and your hip pain, by a physical therapist, and get hands-on treatment.

But these are the fundamentals. If you apply them daily, you’ll feel a huge difference.

Physical therapy is an effective alternative in addressing hip issues and addressing areas that may be contributing to the problem as it relates to limiting your daily activities. If you or your loved one is suffering from hip pain it is highly recommended to consult a medical professional to discuss the problem. Having a better understanding of what positions to avoid and having a better understanding of what works best for you and your condition is highly important.

If you live in the Greater Milwaukee area and would like to learn more about how physical therapy or a trained physical therapist can help you please reach out to us CLICK HERE.

Talk more soon!!

Preston, PT

P.S. If you’re experiencing stiffness in your hip which restricts your ability to move without pain, click here to download my free hip pain tips guide which includes actionable tips I give to my patients at Prestige Therapy and Wellness, LLC. Click here to get your free copy:


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Prestige Therapy and Wellness, LLC Waukesha, WI 262-880-4664

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